
Function: pds.fontsize


refers to a fontsize name, like 'huge'

Example: @use "...pds/pds"; h1 { font-size: pds.fontsize(huge); }
Font sizes are defined as a map, like $fontsizes: ( none: 0, tiny: 8px, xxs: 12px, xs: 14px, s: 16px, default: 18px, m: 22px, l: 24px, xl: 32px, xxl: 44px, huge: 56px, ); You can override these font sizes, or define your own, when configuring settings: use "...pds/settings" with ( $assets-path: "...path-to-assets", $custom-fontsizes: ( header-large: 4rem, footnote: .5rem ) ); ... @use "...pds/pds"; h1 { font-size: pds.fontsize(header-large); }

Function: pds.lineheight


refers to a lineheight name, like 'default'

Example: @use "...pds/pds"; h1 { line-height: pds.lineheight(default); }
Line heights are defined as a map, like $lineheights: ( none: 0, tiny: 1, xxs: 1, xs: 1, s: 1.25, default: 1.5, m: 1.75, l: 1.75, xl: 1.75, xxl: 1.75, huge: 1.75 ); You can override these lineheights, or add your own, when configuring settings: use "...pds/settings" with ( $assets-path: "...path-to-assets", $custom-lineheights: ( header-large: 1.2, footnote: .5 ) ); ... @use "...pds/pds"; h1 { line-height: pds.lineheight(header-large); }

Mixin: pds.slant

pds.slant([color], [bottom-left|bottom-right], [size])

color (default blue)
refers to a color name, like 'blue-40'
bottom-left|bottom-right (default bottom-left)
indicates the direction of the slant
size (default 10px)
the size of the slant

Example: @use "...pds/pds"; .infobox { @include pds.slant(red) }